Monday, May 2, 2011

Is Being Bossy Being a Leader?

Being Bossy- The act ordering people on what to do when you have no authority to do so, being unwilling to listen to or make group decisions, and/or continually trying to push your idea onto other people even when the group decided to do otherwise.

To tell you all the truth, being a leader is far from being bossy. Unless you are suddenly put into the position, becoming the leader of the group will happen naturally when people come to respect your opinion or judgement. For an example on how it happens naturally; lets say you are placed into a group that has to reach a goal. If you make suggestions the group agrees with, you are on your way to becoming the leader and gaining the groups trust.

When first getting placed in charge, it is a very bad idea to tell people what to do directly. Instead, ask the person if they can(for example: Hey Judy, can you please move that box over there?). This comes across as more polite, and will prevent people shoving you off right away, which tends to happen when people are told to do something by a person they do not yet respect. It also makes them feel like they have a choice to say no(which they do) and that is comforting. This is one of the most major things that sets a bossy person aside from a leader.

An important you should also remember is that part of being a leader is also accepting when you do not have the position to be one. Continually trying to take charge will not only position you as a potential threat to the leader already there, but will also irritate the people the leader is in charge of. Instead, follow the leader in the best way you can and show how you shine in that way. You can make suggestions to the current leader, but trying to force your way into his/her position will only push yourself farther away from it.

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