Sunday, May 8, 2011

Follow Through

Are you in a leader position already? If so, then make sure you always follow through with your threats. If you have a three strike rule, punish the person on the forth strike. Failing to do so will not only make the group you are in charge of think you are a push over, but could also lower the respect the other group members will have for you; as they may see it as that you are playing favorites.

If you are wondering, no, you do not have to fire or kick the person from the group, but do punish them in some way. Have them mop the floors, or dust, or even be on bathroom duty. Even small punishments will work, but do make sure you give the same punishment to every person who does not meet up with your requirements. Not keeping things fair between all the group members can cause fights and complications between the members, and lower the respect they have for you as a leader.

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