Monday, May 2, 2011

About Me & The Blog

All I know about leadership I learnt from experience. However; of course, like all of you, I am still learning. In my opinion proper leadership is something you never stop learning, and if you ever think you have mastered it, you have only actually taken a step backwards.

I was an air cadet for seven years, and within that program I was trained in basic leadership then both taught classes to younger cadets, and was in charge of a flight on the parade square. After aging out of cadets, I continued practising leadership in everyday life; be it with just group projects in college, or taking charge when things go very bad and causes panic, but want to know a secret? It still terrifies me. Being in charge of peoples well being or just simply being responsible for their actions still makes my heart pound; but I do not see it as a bad thing. Every leader has to be a little scared or that just means they are not caring enough about the job. You can never get out all the fear, but you can learn to keep acting even when it hits, and that is what it takes to earn respect.

This blog is just my opinions on what I think it takes to become a great leader; but this is of course different in everyone's eyes. Every leader is different, even if they were taught to do things in the same way, so take a step and try to find the leader you have in you.

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